リンク: Apple is being sued for patent infringement by a Native American tribe | Ars Technica.
Apple gets sued for patent infringement�dozens of times each year, mostly�by little-known shell companies with no products—the types of companies often derided as "patent trolls." But the newest lawsuit seeking royalty payments from iPad sales is likely a first: the recently created plaintiff, MEC Resources LLC, is�wholly owned by�a Native American tribe. The MEC lawsuit�appears to be using Native American legal rights to avoid�having the US Patent Office�perform an "inter partes review" that could invalidate the patent.
そうは言っても、事実、IPRについて主権免除を認めている例があるようです。 上記リンク先の記事によると、 公的な大学が権利者の場合についてです:
In the patent world, sovereign immunity protects public
universities, which are viewed as essentially arms of the
state. Two PTAB cases so far have established that patents
owned by public universities can't be challenged in IPRs.
(Sovereign immunity also protects state entities from
"declaratory judgment" lawsuits seeking to invalidate their
patents preemptively, so public university patents can only be
invalidated in court if the university initiates a lawsuit.)